
Say Goodbye to Overwhelm and Stress.

Here’s How You Can Grow Your Business Effortlessly.

Effortless Action for Women Entrepreneurs

Grow your business the easy way, without struggle, stress or overwhelm

Starts on Tuesday, November 5. Doors close Wednesday, November 6.








Imagine growing your business with ease, getting everything done without stress, and feeling at peace. (It's possible!)

You’ve been working hard, pushing yourself to the limit, and it feels like no matter how much you do, it’s never enough.

The constant pressure to succeed is overwhelming, and deep down, you know something needs to change.

What if you could let go of the hustle, stop second-guessing yourself, and find a way to grow your business without all the struggle?

That’s what Effortless Action for Women Entrepreneurs is all about!

If you:

👉 feel like success in your business requires you to constantly push, stress, and worry …

👉 wonder if there’s a way to grow without grinding yourself into the ground …

👉are tired of the pressure and want to do business in a way and pace that feels right for YOU …

This program is made for you.

Effortless action is not an empty promise

You’ve already had those moments when everything just clicks. Things flow. You’re in your zone…

Then, suddenly, the struggle creeps back in.

Before you know it, you’re stressing over your next launch, dreading the marketing you think you should do, and feeling overwhelmed by your ever-growing to-do list.

But here’s the truth:

Effortless action is always available.

It’s not something you have to force or fight for. It’s right here, waiting for you to tap into it.

Flow is your natural state.

Once you know how to access it, everything in your business and life changes.

And that’s exactly what you’ll learn AND experience in Effortless Action for Women Entrepreneurs!

How the program works:

Every Tuesday for 4 weeks, we’ll gather for a 1-hour Zoom call where you’ll gain insights, tools, and practices to help you shift from struggle to flow in your business and life.

Each week builds on the last, guiding you deeper into the flow that’s always been there.

You’ll begin to notice shifts: less resistance, more ease, and clearer insights on what steps to take next.

On each call, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions* and get personalized guidance as you implement what you learn.

In the final week, we’ll have a dedicated Q&A session*, where you can ask anything that’s come up during the program.

(*You can send in your questions via email if you can’t join live.)

The calls include guided meditations to help you experience flow, ease, and clarity in your business and life.

You can listen to them anytime you need to reconnect with your natural state of effortless action.

Throughout the program you’ll play with the practices you’ve learned and experience firsthand how to live from flow and let your actions be effortless.

You’ll have immediate benefits—like stress melting away and more time for the things you love—and long-term ones as well, as your business and life continue to unfold naturally.

Some of what you'll learn:

⭐️ How to tune into your flow. How to access and live from it daily.

⭐️ You’ll practice letting go of struggle and finding ease in even the most daunting tasks.

⭐️ You’ll discover how to make decisions effortlessly, without second-guessing or overthinking.

What you learn isn’t about “doing more.”

It’s about doing the right things—the things that flow naturally from your true self, without stress or resistance.

By the end of the program, you won’t just be talking about flow—you’ll be living it.

You also receive these special bonuses to deepen your experience:

🎁 Bonus 1: Effortless Decision-Making Meditation

 A guided meditation to help you make the decision that’s best for YOU, so you can move forward with clarity and ease.

🎁 Bonus 2: Morning Flow Meditation

Start your day with this quick meditation designed to get you into a state of effortless flow from the moment you wake up.

🎁 Bonus 3: Quick Cheat Sheet to Connect to Your Flow

A simple, actionable PDF to help you reconnect with your flow anytime, anywhere.


Some of the results you can get from implementing what you learn in this program:

⭐️ Your actions become effortless.
There’s no need to push, force or kick yourself in the butt any longer!
⭐️ You do less, achieve more, and save time.

Unnecessary actions fall away, saving you time and energy.

⭐️ Stress and overwhelm melt away.

You experience clarity and calm, even when you’re busy or need to meet a deadline.

⭐️ Your business and life unfold naturally.

There’s no need to push, force, or overwork.

⭐️ Your next steps are always clear.

No need to overthink or spend hours trying to figure things out.

⭐️ You stop dreading the tasks you dislike.

You find a way to flow through them without resistance.

⭐️ You feel much calmer and at peace.

And the more you continue playing with the practices you learned, the more calm and inner freedom you’ll experience …

Practical details:

Week 1: the program starts on Tuesday, November 5. 

Week 2: Tuesday, November 12

Week 3: Tuesday, November 19

Week 4, Q&A call: Tuesday, November 26

Time: 16.00 Europe, Amsterdam time

(3pm UK / 10am ET / 7am PT / 8am M)

Can’t join live?

Replays are available shortly after each call, and you can send your questions via email if you can’t join live. You’ll hear the answer on the recording afterwards. 

Everything you receive:

  • Access to 4 live Zoom calls;
  • Recordings of each call;
  • Bonus 1: Effortless Decision-Making Meditation
  • Bonus 2: Morning Flow Meditation
  • Bonus 3: Quick Cheat Sheet to Connect to Your Flow


This is a live experience only; it will NOT be available as a DIY program afterward!

Ready to let go of overwork and overwhelm?

This isn’t just another course.

It’s a transformative experience that will change the way you approach your business and life forever.

For just 127 Euros (or 2 monthly payments of 67 Euros each), you’ll gain access to the tools, insights, and practices that will help you drop the struggle and finally live in flow.

Let go of the stress. Let go of the overwhelm.

It’s time to take effortless action.

Click the button below to join this 4-week program.

(This is a live experience only; it will NOT be available as a DIY program afterward!)

How others experienced working with me

Praise for Easy Breezy Business

“Since this program, I’m working less and have more time for myself.

I said ‘no’ to clients, said ‘no’ to new projects, and changed the days I want to have appointments with clients.

My life is so much more fun!

I really enjoy the things I do.”

Edith Helwegen


“Brigitte gave me a new and fresh perspective on how to approach situations and challenges that are part of my daily life as well as my professional path. Her advice feels very liberating and empowering.

Another great thing about her is her personality: a combination of both depth and an awesome sense of humor.

I highly recommend Brigitte as she will help anyone break with limiting beliefs and enter a state of freedom, creativity, and flow.”

Victoria Pericot

The content is completely different from anything you have ever learned in your life.
It’s indescribable how you feel as a result: the joy, happiness, calmness, and knowing that everything is possible.
All without stressing, hard work or exerting yourself!
Marieke Kamerbeek


About Brigitte van Tuijl

I’m a writer and master coach for women entrepreneurs, helping you create a business and life you adore, free from (financial) stress and compromise.

By making a simple shift in consciousness, you’ll experience freedom, flow, and true alignment with who you are, allowing your business and life to unfold effortlessly.

With over 20+ years of coaching experience, I’ve helped thousands of women make their dreams real. My clients have published their first books, doubled their incomes, launched global businesses, and realized their most important dreams and desires.

I’m the author of seven books, including ‘The Art of Divine Selfishness—transform your life, your business & the world by putting YOU first’ and ‘The Happy Hermit—how to thrive as an introvert entrepreneur.’

Being a lifelong seeker of true and lasting freedom, I didn’t rest until I finally found it. Shifting into higher consciousness and dropping ever more conditioning brought me the freedom, ease and flow I always wanted—and more of it continues to be unveiled.

All my actions are effortless, and I created this program so you can experience the same!

Ready to let go of pressure and stress?

This program is for you if you’re ready to stop overworking, overthinking and overwhelm.

It’s time to let all your actions be effortless and grow your business the easy way!

Click the button to join Effortless Action now.

This is a live experience only; it will NOT be available as a DIY program afterward!